Quality Inspections and Compliance Audit

Product Quality - Quality Inspections

Inspection Planning

  • The inspection planning, i.e., allocation of an inspector as per the workload, supplier, product range, geographical location, and availability during the period.
  • The plan / inspection schedule is intimated to the merchandisers.
  • The change in plan as well as rejected / aborted inspections is logged for analysis purpose in terms of vendor’s performance and effort log.
  • The purchase order details are available during inspection.

Executing Inspection

  • A complete step-by step purchase order inspection, with packed pieces, finished but unpacked units, unfinished items, accepted quantities, parts inspections & earlier inspection details.
  • The inspection module also facilitates pallets (if applicable), master and inside packing details with specifications (CBM, dimensions, barcodes) as agreed and as per actual findings, item measurement sheet, onsite tests and multiple images shot during item inspections.
  • The defect checklists uses the permissible defects as per AQL based calculations and logs critical, major & minor defects, if found.

Finalizing Inspection

  • The inspection reports and inspection certificates are generated into multiple formats such as a PDF document or even an Excel sheet.

Process Quality, i.e., Compliance Audit

Compliance Configuration

  • Various Compliance criteria – Technical Audit, Social Audit, CTPAT, etc – can be configured as per requirements. These compliances can be initial (i.e., for each new supplier / factory) or can be on reoccurring basis.
  • The configuration enables user to define their own questionnaire, critical compliances, and marks for each question, raking of each section and calculation / colour code for the grades.

Compliance Audit

  • System alerts the compliance officer in advance for initial compliances as well as for re-audits of vendors’ facilities and factories.
  • Through a step-by-step interface, the auditor can rate the vendor on various parameters and questions already defined.
  • SgOM computes the overall grade, generating a detailed compliance report along with NCPs (Non-compliance Parameters), plan of action on these NCPs, and re-audit scedules

Customer versus Vendor

  • These compliance grades, as scored by the vendor, are compared against the compliance norms defined as per customer profile.
  • If the vendor does meet the criteria required by the customer, SgOM gives alerts in each module – sampling, purchase order, quality inspection, as well as shipping – so that respective users may take necessary action or stipulated approvals.