Challenges handled

Based on the experience and domain
expertise ...

Software for buying house



  • Loss of enquiries due to scattered information.

    SgOM with its simplified enquiry management system helps in managing multiple leads and also lets us Track the development of those leads
  • High number of buyers/vendors details spread across multiple channels.

    We can Manage All contacts – their roles and responsibilities – buyers, designers, shipping & logistic , testing team, finance team, department heads, etc.
  • Problem in managing complex pricing.

    Maintaining record of each and every pricing is not an easy task,so here at SgOM you can easily manage these complexities with easy.
  • Unable to respond prospects on time.

    Reduces time cycle of gathering and processing information, client negotiations; resulting in saving time, efforts, cost.
  • Unable to track past quotations resulting in inconsistent submission.

    SgOM comes into the picture ,Our Solution has capability to track each and every movement of your quotation with details description .